Sunday, May 31, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Does a bear poop in the woods?? Beanie does.
Cool cave we found

Puddy was in heaven!

Little boys have this amazing ability to get dirty in minutes, its what makes them unique.

Scott and I watching them just be kids..

My beautiful girls..

My cute family.

Ollie and his doggy

Soyer is singing the theme song from Indiana Jones in this picture, wish you could hear it.. da da da da.. da da da Its important to add the sound effects to every move you make in this life.. it makes it better.

I need a new camera, this doesnt do it justice

self explanatory

Saturday morning I went running up Millcreek Canyon with Erin, Gretchen, and Grettys sis in law Becca. We went on the pipeline trail and i realized that i have'nt been up there since what i like to call my more "foggy" days. It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! And so i decided while running through the trees that not only do we take this gorgeous state we live in for granted, but that i dont give my kids the opportunity nearly enough to soak it all in.. So needless to say, I took them all back up there on sunday for a hike. The pipeline is more of a flat walk, so its perfect for litttle ones and they can enjoy the beauty of it in their own little way. We are so blessed to have these beautiful canyons just minutes away from us. As I was running on Saturday, the song "In God's Country" came on my ipod and it was one of those perfect moments. The scenery, the endorphin high, and the realization that i truly live in one of God's most beautiful places.


  1. Amen coming from Utah native living in an Arizona desert wasteland which I am pretty sure God forgot about.

    But seriously...jealous.

    And you look hot btw.

    And your family is darling too. I could hear Bean humming as I read this and my chest hurts because I miss you guys.

  2. Yes you do look good camping!
    I am glad you like the mountains, its just not in me............. I am one of the few. But I think I can handle an afternoon or two! I am jealous you all went running, while I sit here and eat more Twizzlers

  3. I took the family up to Fergeson Canyon between Big and Little last week...awesome. I realized that I'd never taken my kids there and Erin has only been there once or twice. This is me taking Utah for granted because I spent many days/nights up there when I was single. Getting married, having kids, working too much makes Cam a dull boy.

  4. seriously. we are soooo lucky!
