Tuesday, May 19, 2009

bill bill

This post is dedicated to my Izabele Jill Smith, or as she likes to be called, "Bill Bill" or now just "Bill." Bill is my second daughter, beautiful, carefree, fun, daring, happy, silly, peaceable, kind, big hearted, friendly, talkative, and thoughtful. She is the one that will always to remember when something is bothering you, and always remember to see if you are okay. She is the one that prays for everyone. When she knows something is bothering anyone, Izzy will pray for them. She is concerned for everyone. Whenever i have to teach, Izzy will ask me if im okay, and then tell me that she prayed for me. She has so much faith in everything positive. She is an optimist, a believer, a strength and a REALLY loyal friend. If she makes you her friend, you will always be her friend. I feel so blessed to have her, she keeps us all laughing, and keeps things "light" She is so good to her siblings, so caring, if her brothers fall and get hurt, shes the one comforting them, not me.. i just think "Oh they'll get over it." Not Izzy, she runs to their aid. Bill Bill, I dont know what we would do without you or your smile.
These pics are of Izzy at her 10th birthday!!! I cant believe she is 10! My once chubby, {to put it lightly} little baby is now 10!!! Where does the time go?


  1. Cute Lys. She is a little Scott. She should be called Bill Scott Smith.

  2. Bill Bill is the sunshine. Seriously. The girl even laughs when she's crying.
