Tuesday, May 19, 2009

boys will be boys

These pictures are of the obsession that the boys had for awhile of freezing their guys in cups and then watching them melt, making sound effects while they slowly were released from there frozen death.. This went on for about a week, Im hoping they have forgotten about it bc it made such a big wet mess... but thats boys isnt it? Everything they touch either gets dirty, blown up, or smashed in with a hammer... Or is that just my kids, and they're planning on growing up to be serial killers.. should i be worried?

The next set of pictures are of the boys worm farms. They were in the back yard one day and found a bunch of worms and brought them in and put them in a jar, and slept with their jars..The next day Scott decided that they needed worm farms, so he went out and build them farms. He was claiming it was for them, but anyone who knows Scott, knows better. These farms were for Scott. {oh and of coarse the boys} So everyday they fed them banana peels and lettuce and dumped in water. This went on for about a week and then they were forgotten. I wonder if there is still worms alive out there. Now we are on to the next project of catching birds and stabbing them with butter knives...That post will be coming up soon..

Notice how happy Oliver is?? He is ALWAYS so happy, it kills me. Not a moody bone in that kids body...really... just happy all the time.


  1. Ollie's face is classic. That crusty face reminds me of someone....hmmmmmm....who could it be?????

  2. How did I miss this post last night? Must have been tired bc it ROCKS! Love your boys - I will have to let Wyatt in on 'the freezing of guys'. He will love it. Atleast your worm farm didn't fall & break all over like our ant farm did.
