Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Senekah, my little/big booper... This post is dedicated to my oldest, my helper, the second mother, the better mother, the responsible, smart, beautiful, good, pure, little/big girl. I dont know what i would do without her. She is "good" in all sences of the word. She is kind to everyone, and thoughtful, and aware. She is a peacemaker, never wants or causes trouble. She is so much better than Scott and I and i feel so blessed to have her. She shouldve been my mom. Honestly. I feel as though she is older and wiser than me. She is, and always will be my booper.

So Senekah went to a movie with one of her friends a couple of weeks ago and her friends mom picked them up and had to run to the grocery store after so she took the girls with her. Senekah wandered around the store with her friend and her friends mom im sure acting as goofy as they could, when she saw these flowers and said to herself..."Im going to buy those for my mom." So with her own money, she brought me home flowers....What 11 year old does that?? How did I get so lucky?? She hands them to me and says,"here mom, I saw these and i got them for you." to which i replied, "really?" and she just smiled and said, "well, ya." and walked away.

Senekah had to do a report on a state in school, so naturally she picked Arizona, because thats where Hayden lives!! I mean duh! would you pick anything else? Arizona.. otherwise known to my boys as "Wyatt's world" The place where their cousins they long to see day and night live. The place where they can swim and get in Wyatts and Hayden hottub all day long, and play with all the amazing toys, and run wild, and have sleepovers everynight in front of the T.V in the living room on big blowup mattresses. The place they can sit outside in sleeping bags and watch movies on the back porch. The place where there is ALWAYS laughter, unless of coarse there is crying. Which would usually be for only one reason...exhaustion.. pure exhaustion from the best times in there lives. So naturally, the state she would pick would be Arizona, bc in there world, there is no better world than "Wyatts world"

Sen had to make a float of her state, so this is the desert, and Lake Powell. The other good things about Arizona.


  1. Okay I don't know if I am crying because your kids & their AZ. stories melt my heart or if I am just so f'in happy you have a blog. Maybe both. I LOVE YOU!!!!

  2. fin happy as in effin' happy.

  3. seriously, what would our family do with out the Booper???

  4. Mom that's so sweet!!! Love Sen
