Sunday, May 24, 2009

Graduation Day!!

I CANT BELIEVE MY BABY IS NO LONGER IN PRE-SCHOOL!! That means 2 things, that I have no more babies and that i am getting old!
Soyer and Adysen were born 10 days apart. They came into this life together and they have been by each others sides ever since. They hit all their milestones together, they have grown up together and played together and in their heads, life is always going to be that way. They started pre-school together, hand in hand, keeping each other safe. Being each other security blanket. Being the best of friends. And Im going to miss driving them to school, hearing their conversations of tooty heads and pee pee brains.. the giggling and the stories. The phases they've gone through. Im going to miss Ady saying "Lysa, Lysa can i tell you something?" before she starts any kind of story. And im going to miss Soyer telling Ady little lies like "Ady, if you touch this, its going to blow up and we will die." {it was a tire pressure gauge} And Ady responding by saying "Lysa, Lysa, can i tell you something?? Is it really going to blow up?" And then Soyer laughing and telling me that he just trickted her. And then they both giggle and giggle. They were the only two in the world at those moments and im going to miss it.

So as Soyer was handed his diploma, i got a little choked up, this means it the last pre-school days of my life. My baby is going to Kindergarten, without Ady, all by himself, on to new adventures. On to new memories.

I watched him nervously trying to remember his big part for the last program of the last day of the year. And i smiled at the memories of those two.

I laugh when i see his little naughty side coming out as he starts to get comfortable saying his part..

And i wonder, do they really get it? Do they really realize that they will be separated next school year? That they will have to walk into their big new schools alone? I know they will both do great, but i have to admit, ive loved the fact that my little beanie has had his Ady with him thus far, i knew that if nobody else would play with him, Ady would be there. I knew that if noone else would laugh at him, she would. And i knew that he would always have someone to sit by. Im grateful for their little friendship and im going to miss when they were the only two people in each others little worlds..


  1. I can't belive how fast my little brothers are growing up.

  2. I can't think of a better buddy than Ady. They will do great cause you guys are great. You tell Soyer (and Ady) if anyone is ever mean to them in school I will come and take care of it. I will go "Hand That Rock's the Cradle" crazy on 'em.

  3. PS. Do you remember that nanny in the movie?

  4. Oh, Little Beanie and Ady...i can't believe they are going to Kindergarten. I got sad for them that thry won't have each other next year! : (

  5. seriously. started tearing up a little. i love that Ady has always had her Beanie. They are two peas in a crazy pod. I'm gonna miss them together all the time.
