Monday, June 8, 2009

Libraries and stomache aches

I consider myself kind of smart. I know im blonde and i have my blonde moments, but overall, i think im pretty smart. Ive always had a gift to get around anyones mood. I can usually be-friend anyone and be wise about who i want to get close to and who i dont. Im not a total dummy, I even like to read if someone gives me a good book. But for some reason when i walk into a library, without fail i get a stomach ache. I hate the rows of books, the overwhelming choices, the closed in aisles. I feel a bit claustrophobic and then when i ask for help, the ladies all seem annoyed that i dont know my way around. As if i am the idiot of the earth. Maybe its stems back to elementary school and library day. I didnt know how to use the dumb card catalogs, and I used to have mini panic attacks even then. Maybe its my community service hours I had to put in at the library back when some choices i made wont be discussed further on this blog. But for whatever reason, the library gives me a stomach ache.
Being the "good" mom I am, I decided to take my kids there today and let them choose some books to get started on summer reading. It seemed like a good idea. When we walked through the door, we walked strait to the "Information desk" I was determined to make this as painless as possible. I tried to joke with the lady about how I dont know my way around and she just scoffed and gave me a fake smile. Already the panic was settling in. We were led to the narrow aisles and had to look up and down at the endless possibilites, and the panic was increasing. Then of course Soyer had to find a book on dinosaur bones. So i started pulling every dinosaur book off the shelf I could find, hoping that one of them would be good enough, but of course it wasnt. So we went to "information desk #2" {maybe she would be nicer} And nicer, she was. But so incredibly SSSLLLLLOOOWWWWW!! I was about to FREAK OUT at this point! We finally found the aisle they were on and I grabbed about 10 and said "pick 2, and we are getting out of here!" My kids looked at me like I was psycho, So I was trying desperately to hold back my anxiety. Well, we finally all had our books chosen and we went to check out. "Do you have a library card mamn?" No, I need to get one. "Does your drivers license have your current address on it?" No. {i should've lied but my kids were present} "Well, then you cant check anything out, bc we need proof of your current address like a bank statement or a utility bill." I must have given her a look to kill bc she just looked down and said.."we will do it this time, make sure you bring it with you next time." I smiled and said thank you in the nicest voice i could muster up at the time, I grabbed our books, quietly yelled to the kids "lets go!" and walked very QUICKLY toward the exit. When I found myself finally outside, i took a deep breath and vowed to myself to never go back in there again. So needless to say, next time my kids need to go the library, im paying auntie Erin to go for me. It will be worth every penny.


  1. What? I love the library I wish I had a job there sometimes. But yes the ladies there are always stuck up nerds, if that is possible. But still I would love a job there......

  2. ya Heidi, most people do. Thats why ive never admitted it out loud before, but i feel secure enough with myself now to not care anymore what people are going to think of me concerning this matter. haha

  3. I know what you mean, Lys. Only for me, it's anytime I go ANYWHERE with all four kids. Bless you for trying.

  4. hahahahahahahaha! I love that you are scared of the library and even better LIBRARIANS!
    I know the card catalog system is intimidating, but I have news for you....they don't use that anymore. They use this fancy thing called, the internet. I know. Mind-boggling.

  5. I remember when the librarian was a much older woman: Kindly, discreet, unattractive. We didn't know anything about her private life. We didn't want to know anything about her private life. She didn't have a private life. While you're thinking about that, think about this: The library closes at five o'clock, no exceptions. This is your final warning. Got that, kewpie-doll?
