Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Singing in the rain!!

I LOVE a good summer rainstorm! I know the pictures dont do it justice but it was AWESOME!
You cant tell in this pic, but the dots are actually hail, I couldnt get the boys to leave the porch with me to dance in it!

But once the hail stopped, they had no problem leaving the porch to jump in the puddles flowing down the street!

It's good to be a kid in the rain.

We have a park down the street from our house and one night about a year ago there was a storm like this one. The kids were in bed and Scott and I snuck out of the house to go on a little drive and check it out. We went to the park and realized it had turned into its own mini lake! So this time, we loaded the kids in the car and went to check it out, sure enough there it was!! The kids loved it! Who would'nt! I kept thinking about how i hope this is one of those moments from their childhood they never forget. These are the memories most fondly looked upon when your an adult.

For a minute there, it looked like we lived in the Himalaya's! {I apologize about the blurry pictures, one of these days I will get a better camera, hopefully it doesnt hurt your eyes too badly.}


  1. Awesome pics Lysa. Your kids are a hoot!

  2. What fun parents you guys are! Love the bumblebee umbrealla.

  3. Do you think I'll ever be a fun mom? That mini lake looks like a ton of fun.

  4. you forgot to mention izabele slipping and diving into the mini lake...hilarious. and so izzy. good thing she didn't sink. because she's half jill. where's my personal flotation device?
