Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ski day!!

You know those cool little kids you see skiing down the mountain that are about 5 or 6 or 7? And you think "what a cool little dude, or little betty?" Well those cool little dudes are MY LITTLE DUDES!! Im so proud of them! They are turning into little rockstars on the snow. Oliver has no fear of speed and is always way in front of the rest of us, while Soyer is off in the trees finding any and every jump he can to go off. I ski to the side of them, half a wreck for their safety and half really proud!! As I yell to them "Soyer you spaz! where are you going??" And he just laughs at me. Toward the end of the day Soyers little legs had had enough but his heart wasnt wanting to give up. He would take a big jump, fall down, cry and cry. I would come to his rescue and say to him "Soyer, is it time to be done, should we go home or ski more?" And through his crying he would say "Ski more!!" "Soyer, I think your little body is done." "NO! SKI MORE!" then he would crash again and repeat the scenario.

I was fun to look at my whole family skiing, everyone totally capable of going down all by themselves. What a freedom that is as the parent, and what a proud moment it is as a mom!


  1. That must make me the proud Aunt.

    Way to go little studs & studette's!

  2. Cute. How fun to be able to take the whole family skiing.
