Monday, March 8, 2010

sun, friends, and Southern Utah

I LOVE red sand and red cliffs. There is so much nostalgia there for me, I stand barefoot in the warm red sand and memories of Moab and Lake Powell come flooding back. It almost makes me cry. Now I have new memories of Southern Utah, our friends The Hamiltons, have a condo down there and every year for the last 4 yrs. we have gone with them and our other friends, The Haddocks, down to St. George. Every year I look so forward to this trip, just us couples, no kids, and just some good old R & R. {with the exception of Josie, who we allowed to come just this once, and thats only bc she is so cute}

The boys golfed one day and the girls got massages the next. Pretty good trade dont ya think?

Rebecca has this great talent of making sure she is not in any picture.

Jeff and Stacie...Jeff is very happy.

probably the only picture of Scott on the whole trip with his tooth in!! That party trick is now officially overdone.

needs no explanation.

Jeff and Ryan wanted to look as "special" as Scott

How do you say NO to that face?

Josie has on her eyebrow weights.

This is what thirty something's do when they're on vacation with no kids. {again with Rebecca hiding her face}

Dont let them fool you, they love catching up on People, US, and even Seventeen..

Gross mexican restaurant called Paula's. They forgot to add the flavor to their colored water mix of food. But the scenery in the background was really pretty!{and again, with Rebecca} Sorry Rebecca, but I had to do at least one where you were'nt hidden!


  1. how fun. I am jealous! No kids wowo!!!!!! Brings back memories of NY. minus the enema.

  2. Oh... so cute! I loved reading this. Thanks for posting this. I'll have to show Jeff. HEY! I really like my chicken fajitas at Paula's I have to say!

  3. I was carrying the balls from my cart to put them in my bag and you insisted on taking my picture--while there were two golf carts trying to get by and your suburban was in the way of a car trying to pull out.

  4. whatever. I know you wanted me to say that your balls were in your hands. But I deleted it bc children look at this and sometimes I forget that.

  5. It's good thing Scott has a cute face, otherwise, he'd never get away with his party trick.

    Your trip looked like a blast and you seriously look awesome!!
