Sunday, February 7, 2010

Valentines Day madness

Valentines Day is coming up, does everyone feel extra warm fuzzies for their loved one? Well you should, shouldnt you?? Afterall, we have dedicated one day out of the year you get to go pay too much for flowers and chocolates and wait for 3 hours at restaurants and then get cold food. Write warm fuzzy words in a Hallmark card and buy giant overstuffed teddybears that come in pink and red and white to throw on your bed and then take to D.I. a month later. Doesnt it sound fun?? Doesnt it all make sense?? ONE day dedicated to that one special person... awww, the sweetness of it all...


  1. GARY? GARY IS THAT YOU IN DISGUISE? Maybe you should should hang out with Gary on Valentines day (mr. and mrs. practical) and I'll hang out with scott since we both have the maturity of 10 year olds and play "Would you rather...... " Ohhh I've got some GOOD ONES!

  2. ya, and you could give each other flowers and look deep into each others eyes. Then you could watch him take out his tooth and you could invite Esther to come over and really heat things up!! {btw, even though I think its all silly, I still want him to get me diamonds for valentines day}

  3. Good luck with that one. Don't you know that is one of the biggest reasons Gary married me, because I don't really care for diamonds. And you thought it was because I LOVED camping and hippies and organic food so much!
    Okay I'll come over and hang out with Scott and ask "Would you rather.... sleep next to Ester in the same sleeping bag.. spooning of course (scotts in the back hugging her) while she is in those BIG zip up feeted pajamas that toddlers wear after she has had a whole pot of chili and cabbage... OR...... I'll say the other one on valentines... oh how romantic.

  4. you are so funny, ya, I will be asking for diamonds on valentines day and easter and good friday and martin luther king day, and on tuesday.. I wonder what would happen if I actually got them, maybe I wouldnt care anymore. [doubt it] Cant wait to tell Scott about your big plans!haha

  5. I am laughing like crazy. Loving the post bc it is so Lysa, loving Heidi's jokes bc it is so Heidi.

    Have to say I love flowers. But agree in that I hate the big teddy bears.

  6. bahahahahahahahaaaaaaa. one question. does esther have her teeth in or out? and lysa...stop hiding behind your sarcasm. we know you're just begging all of us to call you on v-day and tell you we LOVE you, over and over again.
