Saturday, February 20, 2010

A curse

I was given this lovely gift in life and its called "impatience." I dont know if I inherited it or I learned it, but whichever it is, It bothers me. Bothers me to the point of annoyance. Im annoyed that I am impatient. And that is a very frustrating emotion.[s]

I wake up somedays and the impatientness overcomes me. I know that Im about to have a very annoying day. But not only that, Im about to annoy all those around me too. Its very frustrating. I have tried breathing but that doesnt work. I have tried yoga but honestly sometimes that takes too long.. the poses. They take patience. {see how frustrating this is for me?} I have tried praying, being alone, faking it, Ive even tried other unconventional ways to handle this, but it just takes over. I seem to not be able to help myself.

Things that get to me:

-People that are in the front of the line to turn left, the light is green and they DONT inch forward past the white line..they just sit there..and wait..for all the cars to go and then they take their turn.. UGHH! Scoot forward!!

-Putting quarters into the dumb have to do it slooowwllyy or it will eat your quarters!!! SOOO annoying

-Standing in any kind of line and people dont scoot up to stand right behind the next person in line..instead they leave a gap... I stare at that gap, I want them to move forward, I logically know that I wont get there sooner if they do, but It MAKES ME CRAZY!!

-People that start a sentence and then drift off, forgetting what they were saying..losing a word somewhere...{my mother!!} Or when people say "ya know that one movie we saw.." {my poor husband} NO I DONT KNOW WHAT MOVIE! SPIT OUT THE WORD!

-voicemail recordings..."to leave a voicemail, press one, to send a greeting press two.. to change your personal options, press three..." all this while you just wait for the beeeeppppp!!!!! so you can say, "call me" I always always hang up before the beep bc I just cant stand waiting for it.

-when the button on the remote wont respond the second that I push it... I swear it just messes with me, its like it knows.."ahahhaha, {evil laugh} she hates this, lets make her wait 5 whole seconds to respond to this simple request!"

-when I shut a cupboard and it opens back up..and I shut it again, and it opens again.. Then I slam it and curse at it.. I know this wont help but im so MAD!!

Its annoying me to even write about this. I have found that writting in my journal helps me work out my frustrations on life, but I have no patience to write all those words down sometimes {again, do you feel my pain?} so I just sigh and roll my eyes instead. My poor, poor husband and children..


  1. I love this post. Who would you be, if not impatient Lysa?

    I think it's cute you try to fight it.

  2. It's just you. We're all fine!
