Sunday, February 21, 2010

Little boy or crazy mad man?

Should I be concerned? My son likes to draw violent pictures all the time. Today while sitting in church he drew a picture of Jesus and then drew a bubble caption above his head with a picture of himself. I thought "oh thats nice, he thinks Jesus is thinking of him." then he drew a bubble picture of Puddy the dog .."thats cute, he thinks Jesus thinks about his doggy.." Then he drew a bubble of Luna the cat. Then he wrote the words "OH NO" coming out of Jesus' mouth and then he drew another bubble picture of puddys head being cut off...And he giggled a synyster giggle as he showed me it.

Then the next picture was of a bunch of people falling into a volcano of hot lava, he laughed as he explained it to me..What the ?????


  1. Gives me piece of mind to know that Wyatt isn't alone with this. Only, it's not just at's all over his school work. He even drew a bleeding heart with wicked eyes on his valentine's folder.


    So proud.

  2. that actually makes me feel really relieved and happy.

  3. The only pictures I could draw as a kid were of total annihilation. Jackson Pollock has nothing on me.

  4. Sydney drew a similar picture in sacrament meeting a few weeks ago. There were drops of blood and it said something about killing or dying and she held it up for everyone behind us to see.
