Monday, October 5, 2009


Well yesterday Erin told me that my list was "cute." And thats enough to really irritate me. I hate "cute" so here is a new list..
1. I hate warm fuzzys, things that make you feel "warm fuzzy" things that are said that are supposed to make you feel "warm fuzzys". It annoys me
2. cheesy stuff, like public wedding proposals...again, super annoying
3. People who only can talk about how "perfect" their own children are.
4. People who talk about their spouse like they are the best thing in the whole me, thats a HUGE red flag as to what is really going on.
5. Slow drivers!! this always irritates the crap out of me.
6. Slow people in general, seriously, does it really take you and hour and 1/2 to get ready?? what the crap are you doing?? honestly.
7. pda.. I know I said I need to try harder in that area, but it still irritates me.. especially teenagers making out. And if you see adults making out, thats another red flag for "someone is having an affair, bc its just not normal!!"
8. Whiny people.
9. negative people.. its exhausting!
10. People who bear their testimony in church and its all about how they went on an awesome trip to hawaii and how wonderful their husband and children are... honestly, I didnt come to church to hear you talk about yourself!! sit down, and shut up!
11. People who bear their testimony in church EVERY SINGLE MONTH, do you really think that what you have to say is the most important thing in the world and you cant give anyone else a chance?? again, sit down, and shut up.
12. every stupid cartoon that is out there for kids right now, especially japanimation.
13. people who are ALWAYS the victim. exhausting.. why do you think anyone wants to hear you complain about how the whole world is always against you. If you're really that upset, do something about your situation!!
131/2. People who are in a bad situation that refuse to do anything to help themselves fix it. noone else can help you if your not willing to try and fix it yourself
14. things that are meant to be "cute" unlike my list!
15. people who chew their food with their mouth open... seriously, did anyone not tell you your entire life that you are obnoxious!!
16. old men that sit at stop lights and pick their nose..when did that ever become okay?? have you not been told since you were 2 that its disgusting!
17. people who dont brush their teeth until like noon... do it first thing in the morning people! do you think that we all really want to smell your nasty night time breath?? you stink
18. families that still think wearing denim in their family picture is a good idea, and then sticking a HUGE oversize picture of it above their fireplace for everyone to see.. its lame.
19. people that dont take down their christmas lights on their houses until June. thats annoying.
20. Lazy people..
21. And again, things that are "cute"...Erin.. I swear, do you not know me at all??!!


  1. That was histerical! (and yet still cute at the same time)

  2. Does it count if I use mouthwash first thing in the morning or do I have to brush my teeth?

  3. number 18 was the best.
    Can I add one? People who have those sticker family characters on the back of their usually minivan and its even worse if they have like 12 kids and each pet sticky too and the Disneyland hats on.

  4. I've got one too. :-)

    What about the lady in front of you at the grocery store who has like 100 things in her cart, all with coupons, and argues with the check-out lady about how many she is supposed to get for discount, etc. THEN makes the bag-boy run and find her a few more items.

    I will be laughing about this post forever.

    I love you. And I think you're cute, too.

  5. there's my lysa. nice to have you back. cute, i meant it in a (crusty faced) sincere way.

    because you are cute lys. accept it and move on.

    (and thanks for the cuddle sunday....)

