Monday, October 19, 2009

Oliver turned 7!!

{Read down to know why this pic. is in here.}
Oliver turned 7 this weekend! And we made a loonnngg weekend out of it! I cant believe my little man is getting so big. Not only is he getting older in age but he's changing. He doesnt look like my little boy anymore. He's starting to look different. More grown up, he even sounds different. No more little baby voice. No more chubby cheeks, no more pop belly, no more dimples in his knuckles..Hes just big.
We launched off the day friday with him being the V.I.P. at school. When you are the VIP now, the parents have to come and do something with the class. For example, you can talk about your career, or do a craft, or choose something the child likes to do. But thank heavens for GREAT SCOTT! Great Scott the magician that is! Yes thats right, for those of you that dont know, Scott took up magic about 8 yrs ago and got quite into it for awhile. Those of you who know Scott best, know that he always has something he is going to be "pro" at for awhile. While ive known him, its been golf, then skiing, then bowling, then water skiing, then skateboarding, then biking and magic. I wonder what lies ahead...Unfortunatly, I left the camera home for this part of the day.But Olivers teacher has assured me that she will email me all the pics. that she took. So they will have to be saved for a later post.
Then when he came home we had a birthday party for him. Oliver is very particular and he wanted things just so. We had a halloween dress up party. It turned out to be good. As good as birthday parties for 7 year olds go that is..

We made mummy toes to eat. It's little smokies wrapped in dough with ketchup for the blood.

Everyone had their own headstone in the yard that they got to take home.

All of our little goblins and princesses.

Senekah, Jane, Lizzie, and Izzy did a haunted house down in the unfinished basement. The kids all pretended that they werent scared but when it came down to it, I sure had alot of little hands clinging on to me. Oliver is the little Joker or as my grandpa Arne would say "yoker!" {Swedes cant say their "J's"...funny that my moms name is Jill..Yill}

Mummy wrap

Games outside

By the looks on these kids faces, you can tell I throw a Mean party!!

And it wouldnt be complete until the birthday boy cries.

Then the next day was Olivers real birthday and after waking up at the crack of dawn to recieve his presents, we had to rush off to a soccer game for the girls and then strait to a piano recital for the girls. He would've been really annoyed by this except that he got a Nintendo DS for his birthday so he was plenty busy conquering Darth Vader during both events.



Then that night a friend let me know of a witchy event down at Gardner Village that is free and thats always good. So we loaded up the kids and went to check it out. There were alot of witches and loud music and food to be had if you wanted. It was crowded but the kids loved it. Oliver was able to run around with some cousins and some friends and play. He was able to just be 7. It was fun. And of course if there is loud, good music playing, even the moms cant help but join in and act 7 also.

Sydney, Oliver, Soyer, and Anders

Witchy poo on the John.

Look in those baby blues, they're exhausted!

The big girls, Izzy, Lizzie, Jane, and Senekah

Then over the loud speakers "footloose"came on and Stacie couldnt help herself. She had to pull out those old eighties moves for us.

Soyer gettin jiggy wit it.

Is it me, or does Scott look really bored??

Mommy Erin and Baby Stela,... one in the same.

Erin dancing with Ady

Girls are dancing and partying

umm, I have no this really how I dance?

This is the wrong photo. I wanted to put this one that had this super annoying couple in it. I will have to add it to the top since I dont know how to replace this one with that. {He kept singing all the songs to her as he looked into her eyes and they slow danced to all the fast songs..uugghh, I wanted to punch them.}

And the weekend was finished with a party with Olivers grandparents coming over for sunday dinner. Grandma Smith brought her famous birthday cake that the birthday kid gets to eat the whole top piece by themselves. I did take pictures of the grandparents but they all turned out blurry so this will have to be the last picture.

Needless to say, the kid was exhausted.

Monday morning came and I woke up sick, Oliver woke up crying because he was too tired to go to school and Izzy and Sen were at each others throats. So let me ask you, Is it really worth it??


  1. I cannot believe Oliver is seven! I feel like I just saw him for the first time in the hospital - he was so freakin cute!

    As usual, wish I was there to see him & help celebrate.

    I love the picture of you & him in the kitchen when he's crying.

    And yes, it is worth it. You're awesome.

  2. Thanks for posting a HORRIBLE picture of me! Is that really what I looked liked? It doesn't look anything like an 80's dance move. Just some fat chick spazzing out. Stop it!

    Happy Birthday Oliver. Cute post of all his b-day stuff. I still need to see Great Scott the magician do his act!

  3. I know that "annoying" couple. They're the coolest people in the world. Seriously, in the world. Can you believe it? I mean, the world is a very big place. Big World. Big Earth. Water, Land, Air, Trees...this couple. It's all them, all day.
