Tuesday, July 28, 2009

the BIGGEST tire

While the cousings were in town for July, we did alot of things we wouldnt normally do and one of those things was go to Kennecot. I laughed when I heard we were going there because in the commercial, to try and lure people there, they talk about coming and playing on the Giant tire. Which I find funny. So when I was making fun of the "big attraction" at Kennecot, Randy got all serious and said "have you seen that tire? its as big as a house!" So of course I explained to him that im not knocking the tire, I just find it funny. No need to get worked up Randy.. So after the drive that took a long time to get there and being seperated from Kathryn and everyone in her car, some of us finally ended up at the "giant" tire. So we had to take a picture, and by the way Randy, its not as big as a house. Its just a really big tire. And we found out that they dont even allow you to play on this tire. Just stand there and get your picture taken.. So after all the hype and build up to the big "attraction" at Kennecot, it turned out to be just a tire. So dont let the commercials fool you.
So Randy, ya know how things always seem bigger when your little? maybe its good you didnt go there because it may burst a serious bubble you've got going on in your cute little head.
And the actual pit, which should be the real attraction because this really is cool... for about 5 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so envious that you have actually seen the Giant Tire at Kennecot in real life. Holy crap!
    Seriously though, that tire looks like it's as big as a house!
