Monday, July 13, 2009

4th OF JULY***

Stacie, my pregnant, ex-running partner.. she'll be back soon!!!

We started out this long day at the Millcreek 5K. I got my best time yet and my husband who never runs completely kicked my butt. I knew he would do better than me but I didnt think he would beat me THAT bad. Erin and Gretchen also ran it and so did Senekah and Izzy. Senekah got sick to her stomach and had to walk alot, Scott went to find her and when he got to the last stretch I ran to her with Gretchen and we held up her hands and ran her throught the chute cheering for her.. She said to me "mom, im never doing a 5K again." So we will see what happens. Izzy ran and took 3rd in her age division!! My little runner!! I was proud of her! Our friends ran it also, Jeff Haddock and his daughters Jane and Lizzie who happen to my Sen and Izzy's best friends. Lizzie took 1st in their age division and Jeff took 3rd in his age division. It was overall a really successful race for everyone except Senekah. Poor booper.

Senekah at the finish not looking too thrilled about the whole thing.

Jeff and his 3rd place medal!! woo woo!!

Lizzie in 1st place and Izzy in 3rd place!!!

Then after the race, we moved on to the parade!!

This is all the kids giving the cops "5" after the cops made their debut, the rest of the parade was families around the neighborhood pretty much riding their bikes decorated with crepe paper. Scott described it perfectly when he said "this is like a primary parade except with adults." That sums it up, but that being said, I loved it, it was perfect. I love the "small town parade"

Cam showing Erin some love. soo sweet.... puke.

Then we were off to aunt Maurines house for a BBQ in provo with Scott's cousins. Kathryn and Randy are in town so we were excited to see them!!!

Genevieve and Anthony...{loser}

Scott was pretending he was Michael Jackson climbing the cherry tree in the back yard..

THEN we were off to CooCoo's pool for some afternoon swimming.

THEN we were off to Sandy city to see what kind of party was happening down there before the fireworks started.. Let me explain the matching tyedye's. You see Erin had this on the list for a cousins day out. We were to make 4th of July tye dyes for all the kids. Now normally im the one making fun of those families that have all matching shirts. And that probably wont stop, I will still be making fun of them, but these shirts were cute!! And we all made one. Including us nerdy moms, so there we were, all down at the Sandy city wearing matching shirts.. I know its cheesy. We did get compliments from quite a few people but I figured out that the people complimenting us were probably the same people that have stick figure stickers of the whole family including the pets on the back of their mini-vans. Whom I also make fun of.

Beef and Bean burrito.

Stela is letting us know what she thinks

For some reason Cameron is purple in this picture.

cute Ollie

Some of the kids partying.

Me and my brothers!!! woo! I like standing by them bc I feel small and petite for once.

AND for the finale of the day... FIREWORKS!!



  1. Fun to read. Thanks for posting that cute picture of me. I like your tie-dye (sp?) shirt. I forgot to ask if Tim and Martha Strong were at your Provo reunion. Were they?

  2. Good job on the 5k!
    Cam does look purple in that photo, and he's got a woman sticking out of the top of his head!

  3. I love that you make fun of people with the stickers of their family on the mini van. Its even worse if they have the Disneyland Mickey Mouse hats on them too.
    I love your shirts too!

  4. our tye-dyes were totally awesome. as was our marathon day of celebrating. pretty much, we are an awesome family.

  5. Way cute pics. I love the one of you, Zach and Cam. You all look really cute. What a fun day!
