Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Backyardigans

We have these backyard neighbors, they are our best friends..and on any given day at any given time you will see these backyardigans somewhere in the backyard playing. I consider them part of my family. They are in and out of my house, in my cupboards, making themselves at home. And I wouldnt have it any other way.
This one particular day the little kids which consist of Oliver, Soyer, Sydney, and Cami were creating mud pies in the fire pit. This was not just an hour long activity, it went on all day. I was amazed at how long this actually entertained them. Why do we buy our kids expensive toys when all they need is a little bit of water and dirt to keep them happy for hours.???
BUT to my dismay, the older girls joined in later.. I thought this would only be "cool" enough for them for about maybe 1/2 hour tops. But I was wrong! They were equally as entertained as the younger ones! I get so happy when my tweens still act like kids. I know its such a small window of time that they will actually play like this, so when I see the glimpse of childhood still in them I have to document it.

1 comment:

  1. You guys have the cutest kids! Can I steal Senekah and Izzie for a while?
