Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer wedding

The happy bride and sad groom.
notice the taped on flower..and that awesome combed hairdo

While Hayden and Halley were staying with us, Oliver decided that he wanted to marry Hayden. So he did'nt ask her, he told her they were getting married. Well Oliver and the girls went strait to work to plan the big wedding that would take place in only a few hours or less. Oliver went and put on his suit and tie and even went as far as going out in the yard and finding a flower to tape to his suit jacket. Then the girls all picked out their outfits and gathered flowers to make Haydens bouquet. They grabbed a rug that I keep under the sink and used it to make an aisle for Hayden to walk down and decided what everyones job would be. Halley was the priest or judge that would marry them, Senekah was a bridesmaid, Izzy was the flower girl, Soyer was the ring bearer, and Scott and I were the guests. So Hayden came down the stairs while the kids hummed "here comes the bride" and Oliver waited for her with a big smile on his face. Halley asked if they wanted to marry each other and then announced that they were married, and then Izzy threw flower pedals as the new bride and groom walked off.
Then on to the couples first dance, which took place in the kitchen and the song was "fernando" by ABBA. Hayden spun Oliver around and they danced the whole song. When it was over Oliver fell onto the floor crying because he realized that Scott and I had not dressed up for the occasion. Needless to say, we hurried and got dressed for the reception.

The reception took place in the back yard on the trampoline where Hayden and Oliver did a "cake bite exchange" which was really wontons but we called it cake. And then Hayden threw her bouquet off of the top of the playset for the girls to catch. And that ended our big wedding for the night.

Then later Oliver told me that he didnt want to be married to Hayden anymore, and that next he would marry Sidney. So it didnt last long but it was AWESOME. I love the imagination of kids, little and big. And im happy that I now have a blog so that I can remember this funny night forever.

The groom, waiting for the bride to finish getting ready.

And this is the groom still upset while Scott and I are upstairs changing..

The new couple...

The reception on the trampoline. why wouldnt you have your reception on a trampoline?? duh!

The "cake" exchange

So another party ended and another childhood memory was made.


Scott has many talents. But among these, he can make really awesome wontons! So while the cousins were here, we had a wonton making fest, and the girls became pro's!! It was really fun and really delicious, and really great because that meant I was off the hook for dinner that night!


the BIGGEST tire

While the cousings were in town for July, we did alot of things we wouldnt normally do and one of those things was go to Kennecot. I laughed when I heard we were going there because in the commercial, to try and lure people there, they talk about coming and playing on the Giant tire. Which I find funny. So when I was making fun of the "big attraction" at Kennecot, Randy got all serious and said "have you seen that tire? its as big as a house!" So of course I explained to him that im not knocking the tire, I just find it funny. No need to get worked up Randy.. So after the drive that took a long time to get there and being seperated from Kathryn and everyone in her car, some of us finally ended up at the "giant" tire. So we had to take a picture, and by the way Randy, its not as big as a house. Its just a really big tire. And we found out that they dont even allow you to play on this tire. Just stand there and get your picture taken.. So after all the hype and build up to the big "attraction" at Kennecot, it turned out to be just a tire. So dont let the commercials fool you.
So Randy, ya know how things always seem bigger when your little? maybe its good you didnt go there because it may burst a serious bubble you've got going on in your cute little head.
And the actual pit, which should be the real attraction because this really is cool... for about 5 minutes.

Monday, July 13, 2009

4th OF JULY***

Stacie, my pregnant, ex-running partner.. she'll be back soon!!!

We started out this long day at the Millcreek 5K. I got my best time yet and my husband who never runs completely kicked my butt. I knew he would do better than me but I didnt think he would beat me THAT bad. Erin and Gretchen also ran it and so did Senekah and Izzy. Senekah got sick to her stomach and had to walk alot, Scott went to find her and when he got to the last stretch I ran to her with Gretchen and we held up her hands and ran her throught the chute cheering for her.. She said to me "mom, im never doing a 5K again." So we will see what happens. Izzy ran and took 3rd in her age division!! My little runner!! I was proud of her! Our friends ran it also, Jeff Haddock and his daughters Jane and Lizzie who happen to my Sen and Izzy's best friends. Lizzie took 1st in their age division and Jeff took 3rd in his age division. It was overall a really successful race for everyone except Senekah. Poor booper.

Senekah at the finish not looking too thrilled about the whole thing.

Jeff and his 3rd place medal!! woo woo!!

Lizzie in 1st place and Izzy in 3rd place!!!

Then after the race, we moved on to the parade!!

This is all the kids giving the cops "5" after the cops made their debut, the rest of the parade was families around the neighborhood pretty much riding their bikes decorated with crepe paper. Scott described it perfectly when he said "this is like a primary parade except with adults." That sums it up, but that being said, I loved it, it was perfect. I love the "small town parade"

Cam showing Erin some love. soo sweet.... puke.

Then we were off to aunt Maurines house for a BBQ in provo with Scott's cousins. Kathryn and Randy are in town so we were excited to see them!!!

Genevieve and Anthony...{loser}

Scott was pretending he was Michael Jackson climbing the cherry tree in the back yard..

THEN we were off to CooCoo's pool for some afternoon swimming.

THEN we were off to Sandy city to see what kind of party was happening down there before the fireworks started.. Let me explain the matching tyedye's. You see Erin had this on the list for a cousins day out. We were to make 4th of July tye dyes for all the kids. Now normally im the one making fun of those families that have all matching shirts. And that probably wont stop, I will still be making fun of them, but these shirts were cute!! And we all made one. Including us nerdy moms, so there we were, all down at the Sandy city wearing matching shirts.. I know its cheesy. We did get compliments from quite a few people but I figured out that the people complimenting us were probably the same people that have stick figure stickers of the whole family including the pets on the back of their mini-vans. Whom I also make fun of.

Beef and Bean burrito.

Stela is letting us know what she thinks

For some reason Cameron is purple in this picture.

cute Ollie

Some of the kids partying.

Me and my brothers!!! woo! I like standing by them bc I feel small and petite for once.

AND for the finale of the day... FIREWORKS!!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Backyardigans

We have these backyard neighbors, they are our best friends..and on any given day at any given time you will see these backyardigans somewhere in the backyard playing. I consider them part of my family. They are in and out of my house, in my cupboards, making themselves at home. And I wouldnt have it any other way.
This one particular day the little kids which consist of Oliver, Soyer, Sydney, and Cami were creating mud pies in the fire pit. This was not just an hour long activity, it went on all day. I was amazed at how long this actually entertained them. Why do we buy our kids expensive toys when all they need is a little bit of water and dirt to keep them happy for hours.???
BUT to my dismay, the older girls joined in later.. I thought this would only be "cool" enough for them for about maybe 1/2 hour tops. But I was wrong! They were equally as entertained as the younger ones! I get so happy when my tweens still act like kids. I know its such a small window of time that they will actually play like this, so when I see the glimpse of childhood still in them I have to document it.


We went up Millcreek canyon the other night to build a fire and do a hotdog/smores roast with the kids.. I love the canyons. What more can I say about that. I love to watch the kids run in dirt and get filthy, I love watching my husband turn into a 5 year old and play with the fire. I love how automatically relaxed everyone becomes in that atmosphere. The canyons have something spiritual about them and Im so happy to have them so close. {wait, have I said that before??}

Halley and her battle wound sliding down the mountain... {above} Me and Loser, excuse me, Anthony..

Anth and Taylor eating smores. I promise that
Anthony really is happy, he just likes to look cool. {above} everyone enjoying the fire.

Soyer &

Izzy &

Scott the pyro..

The Pool

Coo Coo lives in a development that has a community pool. The cool thing is though, we are the only ones ever there!! So during the summer we go at least once or twice a week and cool off and wear the kids out. They get tired, we chill in the sun, and its ALL GOOD!!!

Senekah and Coo Coo.........Me and beanie

Dasa and Tova......Elisheva and Rivka

Erin and Estela........Zahava

Gage and Soyer....Coo Coo and her chair....Gretchen and Gage

Bill Bill jumping in...

Oliver the fish .......Izzy and Senekah

For some reason the pictures in this and the next few posts dont match up to the pictures. They do when im writting them and then when I post them they get all messed up, so sorry, im blog-illiterate.