Sunday, November 27, 2011


Friday night I received a phone call from my mom. She was so hysterical, "Lysa, Gage has a brain tumor." The words hit me like a bolt of lightning. I hung up and tried to call my sister. My hands were shaking so badly I couldn't dial the number. I kept saying to myself "calm down Lysa..your sister needs you." See the night before was Thanksgiving. We were all at my moms and I knew that Gage hadn't been feeling well. I looked over at him, rubbed the back of his head just to say "I love you buddy" when a thought came to me. It was more like a paragraph really, but it was clear. It said to me "Gage has a brain tumor, your sister needs you, she has been prepared for this." After the thought, I quickly pushed it aside! How could I think such a horrible thing? So I ignored it. Forgot about it. Now back to the dialing...I finally got through. She didn't answer. I started to pace my house. I had all of Scott's family over. We were getting ready to leave to the Polar Express. I looked at Kathryn who has a gift of keeping me calm. She stared at me right in the eyes and said something to me. I don't recall what it was but her look made me focus. Then my phone rang. It was my sister. I went outside to have privacy. I didn't want to scare my kids. She was hysterical. I was at a loss of what to say to her. I just kept thinking "be strong Lysa, she needs you." so I kept trying to reassure her. She repeated over and over clearly in shock "My special little boy has a brain tumor, my baby boy has a brain tumor." I could hear Troy in the background wailing. "Why??" "Why??" I hung up the phone. Ran inside. Kathryn followed me up to my room where I was trying to find my shoes but I just kept walking in circles. She said to me "Lysa, I have everything under control here, your kids are fine, Go be with your sister." I don't remember if I responded. I got in my car and happened to run into Cam and Erin at the light. I was so grateful bc I just stayed behind them. Keeping my eye on their van. I knew all I needed to do was watch the van and I would arrive there.

When I finally arrived in the room where Gage, Gretchen and Troy were I could see that Gage had no idea what was happening. He was happy as can be. Loving all the attention. Gretchen mouthed the words to me "he doesn't know anything." So I smiled and talked to Gage asking him all about his cool IV and his awesome hospital visit. Soon Troy's dad John walked in the room. Troys dad has been fighting cancer since July. When Troy saw him he got teary eyed. I looked at Gretchen and she mouthed "Get Troy out of here." She didn't want Gage to see anyone upset. I took Troy across the hall where we embraced and both cried hysterically. About a minute later Erin came in the room. The three of us held on to each other. Trying to comfort Troy and cried. Then Troy's brother Trevor came in. Then his brother Ryan. Then Zach and Dasa..One after another people poured into the hospital to support them and love them.

At this point, Cameron, Zach, my dad, Trevor, Ryan, and John all went into the room where Gage was and gave him a blessing while Troy held him on his lap and I held my sister. It was an amazing blessing. A calling on of God to heal this little boy. To give him a long healthy life. A blessing of comfort, of strength, of peace. It was powerful and beautiful.
Only 4 were technically allowed in the room at a time so we had to clear out into the waiting room and wait. Wait for the surgeon to come and give us more info. Many tears were being shed. Many hugs, but mostly just feelings of shock. My heart was breaking for my sister and Troy. I was trying so hard to imagine how they felt. I could only "imagine" though. And that was frustrating to me. I wanted to know so that I knew how to help. I hated feeling so helpless. I hated not knowing what to say. It was all so surreal. I know I made phone calls. I know I texted people. I know I spoke using words but I don't remember anything I said. I felt like I just needed to wake up. And if I felt that horrible must Gretchen and Troy feel..Their special little 3 year old angel had a brain tumor.

Soon Matt Alba, Gretchen and Troy's friend, came into the waiting room. He had been in the room when the surgeon came in. The news was good. That his tumor was located in the lower left part of the brain. That as far as brain tumors go, that was the place to have one. That she didn't know if it was cancerous but that we are not going to think about that yet. That it is hopeful. Best case scenario, we will have surgery in the morning, remove the tumor, it will be benign and Gage will be back home in a week. We felt a light of relief.

That night was a sleepless one. I kept repeating in my mind over and over again "Gage has a brain tumor." It was a frightening thought and in the dark quiet night, it seemed to be screaming at me. So at 6:00 am I finally just got up and went back to the hospital. So glad that I did bc when I arrived the surgeons were in the room explaining things to Troy and Gretch who were alone there. I only heard the end of the conversation when the Dr. asked if they had any questions..Gretchen said "only you have any children??" He replied "yes, I have 5 at home." and she said through tears "please take care of him like your own." We all cried. They came in 25 minutes later ready to take him to surgery. I was able to watch and observe Gretchen and Troy as they said goodbye to their little guy and fill him with many hugs and kisses. Repeating over and over to him how much they loved him. And then he was gone. They fell apart once again holding on to each other in disbelief and fear.

The day went by slowly. The nurse in the O.R. kept them updated on their cell phones every hour and a half . Each update brought more tears. Even if they were positive. Several hours later he was out of surgery with the update that things went well. They were to be aware that he might have some issues with his speech and that he would be extremely irritable. More than anything they had ever seen bc of the place in his brain they had to touch. That both are a common side affect. That they could last anywhere from two days to two months. So Gretchen was scared. Relieved but afraid of what she might have to face. We were all grateful that she has taught Gage Sign language so he could communicate with her. Hours and Hours went by. They ran tests while he slept and became concerned that he wasn't having any movement in his left arm. They needed to go back in to do a C-scan and check for blood clots and/or fluid in his brain. That if those things were present they would have to go back in and drain them. They were becoming concerned that he wouldn't wake up. When they went in for the C-scan he woke a little bit. MIRACLE. and the Dr.s said to him "Gage, you did such a good job with your scan!" To which he replied "NO I DIDN'T DO A GOOD SCAN!" So angry he was..but completely speaking clearly. MIRACLE. again. Then back in the room where he was fast asleep again for hours..He woke up a second time and with his left arm, scratched his head and said hi to his mom and dad. MIRACLE. again. And back to sleep he went.

Today he had another MRI to see if they got all of the tumor. They got all but a sliver and the reason they left that is bc it was so close to the brain stem, it was dangerous to remove. The Surgeon said they are calling it 99.9% gone bc it is such a small piece. The surgeon was very pleased. Said that she thinks it was benign bc of the way it looked but we will confirm that on Wednesday.

About an hour later Gage woke up and said "dad, can I have my slushy now?" See before the surgery, Troy had promised Gage a big slushy when he woke up. He remembered.

Then he woke up again and ate some crackers, drank some gatorade and fell back to sleep after interacting with his mom and dad in a totally calm manner.

We will watch him recover. We will continue to pray. Both for his health but also with so much gratitude.

We don't know for sure, but we think so far that we are getting that "best case scenario" and that our little Gagey will be back home partying with all of his toys and celebrating life very soon. As we all watch him and celebrate with gratitude in our hearts, HIS life.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A few more of my favorite things

A few MORE of my favorite things.

1. My brother in law is a Dentist in Arizona. And with that comes some pretty good perks. :) IE: Bleach for really cheap, prescription mouth wash, insider info. on which toothpaste is best etc etc..I know you don't think that might sound that great, but I'm a teeth person. I care about my teeth and the looks of others teeth. MY husband has horrible teeth. It makes me insane. I think its one of my trials in this life. To endure his teeth. But my sis in law send me a tongue scrapper in the mail one day. One for me, One for Scott. And it has become one of my favorite things! I won't sicken you out with the gruesome details of what this scrapper can achieve, but it is AMAZING! It leaves you with a Glorious Clean Mouth! I truly feel like the girl in the orbit gum commercial that gets rid of her dirty mouth with a sparkle ding at the end?? You know the one. It's fabulous. So if you have a chance to get your hands on one, I suggest you do it. Make sure its a metal one. Not some cheap plastic thing from the grocery store, it won't do the same job.
Oh and if you're wondering which toothpaste is best...its Colgate Total. Why? Bc it has a patented ingredient that none of the others have..and No, I don't know what it is. But Its all I needed to hear to become a believer!

2. And since I am the maid..I have a few items that I cannot live without. First, My Dyson animal vacuum cleaner. It is Incredible! I have a big stinky, furry, black ding dong that lives with me. I'm talking about my doggy. My Dyson not only has an amazing, easy to use attachment that takes care of all the corners, baseboards, & couch cushions, but it does it with gusto! It does it with pride. It has the power of a shopvac but its an upright. So glad someone finally thought of this. It is bag less..another perk. They send me free belts in the mail anytime I break mine..another perk, Great customer service. Which we all know is rare these days. So If you can invest in this pretty expensive worth every penny vacuum miracle, I suggest you do.
And Second..My steamer..Another genius item. All you do is plug it in, poor some water in it, wait for it to heat up and voila'! You have a cleaning machine that will outclean any mop any day of the week. It has a pad on the bottom of it that when you are finished, you throw it in the wash and reuse it for next time! Isn't that environmentally fab?? Those hippies would be so proud of me.

3. Chocolate covered Almonds from Costco..I need not say anything more about that.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just a FEW of my favorite things

A few of my favorite things. Take 1

1. My Garmin. Oh how did I ever know which direction to go without you? How did I ever know my inner capabilities without you? How did I ever live without you? I will protect you and take care of you my black and red beauty. You are my friend little Garmin.

2. My Running shoes. {please continue reading. I promise this will not be all about running.} My beautiful running shoes. They look good on my feet all the time. They never make me look fat or feel self conscious. They have such a liberating job to do. All they have to do is be on my feet. Unlike my pants that have to fit into my thighs and cause me to look in the mirror with angry feelings toward them. My shoes just smile at me. They are like jewelry. An accessory. Just happy to be there without making me feel yucky. Since I put on my first pair of running shoes, I have decided that I like all shoes. They are flattering even when nothing else is. I love you running shoes. Especially when you are new and pretty.

3.My Diet Coke. Dang you diet coke poison. Dang you for being so glorious in all of your shiny red and silver colors. Dang you for being so fizzy and causing my eyes to water with happiness from your carbonation. Dang you for tasting so good with lime. Dang you for being the Devil. For tempting me with your beautiful bubbly shiny self. I think I have to break up with your sly self. You are evil. Beautifully evil.

4. Google. I love Google. You are the answer to all of my questions. To anything I would ever dream up knowing, you are there for me. You are so smart my Google. I love you.

5. My Facebook. How did I ever get along without knowing what everyone I have ever know in my life is up to? How did I ever go through my day without seeing all the people be on their lovely vacations and enjoying their new plastic surgery selves? Where did I find my entertainment before you existed? Who made me giggle or just shake my head in disbelief on a daily basis? How did I ever let some of those people in my life go? And how grateful I am to you for bringing them back to me.

6. Texting. How did I ever survive having to actually pick up the phone and talk to people? Its so much nicer to just say the thing you want to say and move on. Thank you texting cell phone for making that possible.

7. My car. Thank you for always starting. Thank you for taking me to my very important errands and letting me talk out loud to you without passing any judgement. Thank you for letting me sing my heart out even when I know it doesn't sound too pretty. Thank you for all of our long drives and memories. You are such a good friend white suburban.

These are just a surface of my favorite things. I could go into much more detail and include sunsets, waterfalls and chocolate etc. But today is just about my little things I enjoy every day. Things I have come to love and appreciate. Today I will be shallow. Bc sometimes its nice just to be shallow.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


I have to say that Trial Lake or any lake in the Uinta's for that matter, takes me back to when I was dating THIS guy.
Our campground
We took a little camping trip bc school starts in a week and the kids have been asking to go. I have to admit I was a little hesitant. Camping isn't what it used to be now that I'm a mommy. So when I hear the words "Lets go camping!" What it really sounds like is "Let's go pack our whole house, get it all super dirty and give mom LOTS of work to do!"
But I have to say, It was just what the Dr. ordered. It was BEAUTIFUL. My kids were HAPPY. My husband was in his ELEMENT. {not his car} And I found the PEACE I had forgotten that I feel when I'm up there.

We went fishing!

THEY went swimming..It was FREEZING!!
Puddy can't decide if he should swim. half way in..
Scott braved the cold
And when you gotta go, you gotta go..
Puddy aka Ding Dong, swimming..Or should we call it splashing..
I wonder if he is imagining being a secret agent or something..
Pig Tails

Boys don't need much to be entertained. But who knew that a cut off fish head could possibly be the best thing they have played with in a long time..

Add a pocket knife and they are lost for hours in their dissecting glory..
First things first, remove the eyeball...

How awesome is it that a quick little jaunt to our Mountains can offer such a great experience and a perfect getaway with my little family. I'm so blessed.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I've been thinking about gratitude.

I'm grateful for a husband that is kind and good. I'm grateful for kids who are curious, happy, and healthy.

I'm grateful for family that I call my friends and for friends that I call my family.

I'm grateful for my kids friends, whom of some I also call family.

I'm grateful for my neighbors who care about my kids. And about my home.

I'm grateful for the goodness that is in the world. For the simple things. For the hard things.

I'm grateful for laughter. And for smiles. I'm grateful for hugs {yes hugs} and for love.

I'm grateful for people. All kinds of people and for all that I learn from watching them and talking to them.

I'm grateful for beauty. For nature. For seasons. For freedom.

I'm grateful for health. So grateful for health.

I know this is cliche' and I know you are grateful for all the same things. I just had to express it. I had to tell you that I'm grateful for you. {awwwww...} But it's true. Thank YOU.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

good intentions.

So awhile back I talked about things that annoy/bug/embarrass me about the Mormon culture?? Well I have something to add to the list. And maybe I'm totally wrong about this being a Mormon thing but It just has so much sap that it has to be.

There is this thing called friendship bread..Its when someone brings you a 1/2 a bag of dough with some instructions and a few sample pieces of the finish product. You are supposed to add an ingredient to the bag everyday for like a week or something and then bake it and pass the "favor" along. I personally think this is the most ANNOYING thing. If I wanted to bake bread, I would bake bread! If I wanted to share it, I would share it! But don't bring me a ziploc bag of 1/2 the ingredients of a loaf of bread that is going to take a week to finish, and THEN expect me to drive around the neighborhood with a big smile on my face passing out 1/2 filled ziploc bags to other people! I refuse to ask anyone else to take part in this mundane chore. I understand the "point" of it. But really, don't we have enough other stuff to do?

Then there is this other thing that makes me absolutely crazy too. Its called "boo"ing or "cupid"ing or "elf"ing or whatever other lame thing we can think of do "ing" Its when every holiday someone anonymously brings you a treat with a note attatched to it that says "You've been Booed" {read the above note for instructions on what to do next. If you ask me, the people that started this tradition are just plain bored. And if you really have the need to do something nice for people, I'm sure there are 100 other ways to do it instead of making someone else continue your lame attempt to do "good."

So if you feel the need to bring me "friendship" bread, or you think it would be cute to "Boo" me, just know that the chain ends there.

Pinewood Derby 2

See the White one that looks like an Ipod?? That's Oliver's car. The thing about high expectations is, there is always room for disappointment. Oliver's little heart was beating so fast as he waited for the excitment of the District race to begin. But after the 2nd time his car came down the track without a win, he knew it was over. The look on his sad little face was heartbreaking.
And then came the tears..
And then came the looking forward to the future where thoughts of Pinewood derby Glory 2012 are surely going to change this ill fate.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


A few weeks ago, Grandpa told Oliver how he always built "winner" pinewood derby cars, so when it came time to make Oliver's car last Saturday, there was NO way he was going to let Grandpa off the hook with building his car. Oliver was convinced that every secret Grandpa told him was for sure going to make his car the winner.
Scott, Grandpa and I were a little bit worried that these high expectations were not going to be met! But needless to say..Grandpa's... I mean Scott's..I mean OLIVER'S car took FIRST PLACE!

This was taken after he had won 3 of the 4 races. I'm not sure what Grandpa is saying right now, but I do know this..It needed to be whispered. Which tells me it was something like "Our car is the best one here Oliver, all of these other little boys are just losers!" {there seems to be a competitive nature in little boys..of all ages The Pit Crew..We're #1!! {not sure who is happier}

And the first place trophie with all of its Pinwood derby GLORY!
{I do know one year could get ugly}