Wednesday, April 13, 2011

good intentions.

So awhile back I talked about things that annoy/bug/embarrass me about the Mormon culture?? Well I have something to add to the list. And maybe I'm totally wrong about this being a Mormon thing but It just has so much sap that it has to be.

There is this thing called friendship bread..Its when someone brings you a 1/2 a bag of dough with some instructions and a few sample pieces of the finish product. You are supposed to add an ingredient to the bag everyday for like a week or something and then bake it and pass the "favor" along. I personally think this is the most ANNOYING thing. If I wanted to bake bread, I would bake bread! If I wanted to share it, I would share it! But don't bring me a ziploc bag of 1/2 the ingredients of a loaf of bread that is going to take a week to finish, and THEN expect me to drive around the neighborhood with a big smile on my face passing out 1/2 filled ziploc bags to other people! I refuse to ask anyone else to take part in this mundane chore. I understand the "point" of it. But really, don't we have enough other stuff to do?

Then there is this other thing that makes me absolutely crazy too. Its called "boo"ing or "cupid"ing or "elf"ing or whatever other lame thing we can think of do "ing" Its when every holiday someone anonymously brings you a treat with a note attatched to it that says "You've been Booed" {read the above note for instructions on what to do next. If you ask me, the people that started this tradition are just plain bored. And if you really have the need to do something nice for people, I'm sure there are 100 other ways to do it instead of making someone else continue your lame attempt to do "good."

So if you feel the need to bring me "friendship" bread, or you think it would be cute to "Boo" me, just know that the chain ends there.


  1. booooooooooooooooooo!(Princess Bride)
    I'm bringing you amish bread tomorrow:)

  2. Thats it. I know what to do for you!!!!

  3. LOL! I loved this post. Thanks for sharing. I am still laughing!

  4. alright....who "ding dong ditched" me with a box of stale ding dongs the day after I posted this??? Who was it??? come clean!

  5. That is hilarious! I wish I could say it was me. You have funny neighbors.
