Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just a FEW of my favorite things

A few of my favorite things. Take 1

1. My Garmin. Oh how did I ever know which direction to go without you? How did I ever know my inner capabilities without you? How did I ever live without you? I will protect you and take care of you my black and red beauty. You are my friend little Garmin.

2. My Running shoes. {please continue reading. I promise this will not be all about running.} My beautiful running shoes. They look good on my feet all the time. They never make me look fat or feel self conscious. They have such a liberating job to do. All they have to do is be on my feet. Unlike my pants that have to fit into my thighs and cause me to look in the mirror with angry feelings toward them. My shoes just smile at me. They are like jewelry. An accessory. Just happy to be there without making me feel yucky. Since I put on my first pair of running shoes, I have decided that I like all shoes. They are flattering even when nothing else is. I love you running shoes. Especially when you are new and pretty.

3.My Diet Coke. Dang you diet coke poison. Dang you for being so glorious in all of your shiny red and silver colors. Dang you for being so fizzy and causing my eyes to water with happiness from your carbonation. Dang you for tasting so good with lime. Dang you for being the Devil. For tempting me with your beautiful bubbly shiny self. I think I have to break up with your sly self. You are evil. Beautifully evil.

4. Google. I love Google. You are the answer to all of my questions. To anything I would ever dream up knowing, you are there for me. You are so smart my Google. I love you.

5. My Facebook. How did I ever get along without knowing what everyone I have ever know in my life is up to? How did I ever go through my day without seeing all the people be on their lovely vacations and enjoying their new plastic surgery selves? Where did I find my entertainment before you existed? Who made me giggle or just shake my head in disbelief on a daily basis? How did I ever let some of those people in my life go? And how grateful I am to you for bringing them back to me.

6. Texting. How did I ever survive having to actually pick up the phone and talk to people? Its so much nicer to just say the thing you want to say and move on. Thank you texting cell phone for making that possible.

7. My car. Thank you for always starting. Thank you for taking me to my very important errands and letting me talk out loud to you without passing any judgement. Thank you for letting me sing my heart out even when I know it doesn't sound too pretty. Thank you for all of our long drives and memories. You are such a good friend white suburban.

These are just a surface of my favorite things. I could go into much more detail and include sunsets, waterfalls and chocolate etc. But today is just about my little things I enjoy every day. Things I have come to love and appreciate. Today I will be shallow. Bc sometimes its nice just to be shallow.


  1. I love shoes too. Especially the red boots you were wearing at the last get-together! So cool! I also used to love FB, but now it makes me a little pukey. I'm so glad to have gotten back in touch with people like you, but not so glad I'm back in touch with other people!
