Monday, November 7, 2011

A few more of my favorite things

A few MORE of my favorite things.

1. My brother in law is a Dentist in Arizona. And with that comes some pretty good perks. :) IE: Bleach for really cheap, prescription mouth wash, insider info. on which toothpaste is best etc etc..I know you don't think that might sound that great, but I'm a teeth person. I care about my teeth and the looks of others teeth. MY husband has horrible teeth. It makes me insane. I think its one of my trials in this life. To endure his teeth. But my sis in law send me a tongue scrapper in the mail one day. One for me, One for Scott. And it has become one of my favorite things! I won't sicken you out with the gruesome details of what this scrapper can achieve, but it is AMAZING! It leaves you with a Glorious Clean Mouth! I truly feel like the girl in the orbit gum commercial that gets rid of her dirty mouth with a sparkle ding at the end?? You know the one. It's fabulous. So if you have a chance to get your hands on one, I suggest you do it. Make sure its a metal one. Not some cheap plastic thing from the grocery store, it won't do the same job.
Oh and if you're wondering which toothpaste is best...its Colgate Total. Why? Bc it has a patented ingredient that none of the others have..and No, I don't know what it is. But Its all I needed to hear to become a believer!

2. And since I am the maid..I have a few items that I cannot live without. First, My Dyson animal vacuum cleaner. It is Incredible! I have a big stinky, furry, black ding dong that lives with me. I'm talking about my doggy. My Dyson not only has an amazing, easy to use attachment that takes care of all the corners, baseboards, & couch cushions, but it does it with gusto! It does it with pride. It has the power of a shopvac but its an upright. So glad someone finally thought of this. It is bag less..another perk. They send me free belts in the mail anytime I break mine..another perk, Great customer service. Which we all know is rare these days. So If you can invest in this pretty expensive worth every penny vacuum miracle, I suggest you do.
And Second..My steamer..Another genius item. All you do is plug it in, poor some water in it, wait for it to heat up and voila'! You have a cleaning machine that will outclean any mop any day of the week. It has a pad on the bottom of it that when you are finished, you throw it in the wash and reuse it for next time! Isn't that environmentally fab?? Those hippies would be so proud of me.

3. Chocolate covered Almonds from Costco..I need not say anything more about that.


  1. I like all those things... minus numero 3. What's with this tongue scraper and why are you getting perks I am not? I am the one with the funky tongue.

  2. I'm pushier than you are. I demand things from people. Been told that I'm bossy a few times. That's why.
