Saturday, April 17, 2010

Salt Lake City 1/2 Marathon

This was a great race for me! My first 1/2 I got the time of 2:15. My second 1/2 I got the time of 2:17. My 3rd 1/2, I got the time of 2:20...Something isn't right. You are NOT supposed to get slower!! So on this one I got the time of 2:08:48!!!. FINALLY! I got a PR {personal record} by 7 minutes!
It was a beautiful morning, 53* when we left our houses at 5:oo a.m. this morning. The course was fun, I ran through my old stomping grounds in Sugarhouse which is where I lived when I moved out of my parents for the first time. It was alot of fun. The course was an easy, gradual downhill or a flat until mile 11 and then it was crappy. We had to run on State Street on a gradual uphill. Not fun that close to the finish line, but that is the only thing I can complain about. I really liked the energy of this race. They started on time which is HUGE and they seemed very well organized. Plus I got my first medal!! YAY!!

Coming in on the home stretch, I saw my cute family, my brother and his cute family and my good friend James. Thats such a great sight when you finally see people you know cheering you on!!
Feeling pretty good right past the finish line!

My family, and my moody son Oliver who is mad bc..who knows why. He's always mad.

James pretending to need help to stand. It was fun bc we ran past the Soup Kitchen where I met James years ago and it was fun to think about how much our lives have changed since then!

We thought we both got our PR's by 5 minutes, turns out we did even better then that!

Cute Erin, I was really wishing she was running this with me. But Im grateful they came all the way down to cheer for me! I have the best family.
So other then the total pee rash I have on my legs from peeing my pants the entire time, I feel great!!


  1. Way to go!!! Did you really pee? Its okay if you did. I've heard stories, do they have bathrooms close by? Like outhouses every now and then?
    If James did the marathon then how come he was waiting for you? He couldn't of finished beforehand right?
    What am I saying? (I'll ask tomorrow) CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE PROUD OF YOURSELF! AND NOW GO EAT LOTS OF TREATS! DIET COKE INCLUDED

  2. I'm just seeing this! Good job! So glad you made that goal. I think the finish at that SL race is so much fun. Even if you're about dead before you hit the mall, once you start into the crowd you can't help but run fast. I have to hear more about this pee rash.

  3. Lysa, I hate you. But I love you as well. You are doing everything I wish I could right now. I wish I were running like you and had your determination/discipline/running record. You never cease to amaze me. You rock.

    But seriously, I love you.

    And I guess I love James too. Because he'll run in all that crap with you. (Even though I wish it could be me)
