Thursday, April 1, 2010


So I come home the other day and go in my room and there are these pictures above our bed.."What are these pictures kids??" "Those are yours and dad's favorite things mom!"

yes that is a picture of peeps and whipping cream for Scott
And Reeses peanut butter cups and diet coke for mom.


  1. Ha ha! That is hilarious! You should definitely leave those up!

  2. Who's the artist? Those are really good drawings.

  3. Hilarious! You really need running shoes. I have never seen you eat a Reeces. Scotts is great, with the exception of PEEPS. How does anyone like those, and so many people do.

  4. my favorite thing in the world is coldstones peanut butter perfection icecream. Its dark chocolate icecream with fudge, peanut butter and chunks of reeces pb. cups. That with a sonic diet coke with the good ice and fresh lime....seriously. does it get better than that?

  5. Take the "diet" off that sign and you and my husband are soul mates. ps, Coldstone = Peeps. Blah

  6. Peeps are where it's at. I'm with Scott. (of course, you already knew that). The only thing to improve them...marshmallow frosting & choc. cake chased by a diet coke.

    Thank heavens for processed sweets to intermingle with the manufactured diet drinks.

  7. tee-hee! i like the reeses the best-im sorry peoples but i do not get how anyone can like diet coke!:) yucky!
