Monday, April 26, 2010


I have been extremely blessed with awesome sisters in my life. One by one they have come into my life through all of my brothers and brother in laws, and one by one, I have been so lucky to get to know the greatest girls on the planet. Everyone of them have brought so much to my life, that I cant imagine the time when they weren't all there. We have laughed and cried together. We have seen each other at our worst and at our best. We have been through good and exciting times and through sad and difficult times. I have truly come to appreciate the need for women to have other great women in their lives. I also realize that it is rare what I have. To have this many girls from so many different places all come together in one family and have the bond that we have. I know others are not as lucky as me. With each of their unique personalities, I have learned so much. But mostly I just realize that I am blessed beyond words. I LOVE THESE GIRLS!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Salt Lake City 1/2 Marathon

This was a great race for me! My first 1/2 I got the time of 2:15. My second 1/2 I got the time of 2:17. My 3rd 1/2, I got the time of 2:20...Something isn't right. You are NOT supposed to get slower!! So on this one I got the time of 2:08:48!!!. FINALLY! I got a PR {personal record} by 7 minutes!
It was a beautiful morning, 53* when we left our houses at 5:oo a.m. this morning. The course was fun, I ran through my old stomping grounds in Sugarhouse which is where I lived when I moved out of my parents for the first time. It was alot of fun. The course was an easy, gradual downhill or a flat until mile 11 and then it was crappy. We had to run on State Street on a gradual uphill. Not fun that close to the finish line, but that is the only thing I can complain about. I really liked the energy of this race. They started on time which is HUGE and they seemed very well organized. Plus I got my first medal!! YAY!!

Coming in on the home stretch, I saw my cute family, my brother and his cute family and my good friend James. Thats such a great sight when you finally see people you know cheering you on!!
Feeling pretty good right past the finish line!

My family, and my moody son Oliver who is mad bc..who knows why. He's always mad.

James pretending to need help to stand. It was fun bc we ran past the Soup Kitchen where I met James years ago and it was fun to think about how much our lives have changed since then!

We thought we both got our PR's by 5 minutes, turns out we did even better then that!

Cute Erin, I was really wishing she was running this with me. But Im grateful they came all the way down to cheer for me! I have the best family.
So other then the total pee rash I have on my legs from peeing my pants the entire time, I feel great!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Not everyday you get to share this with your dad!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Random Important Moments in Time

It is so fun to anticipate the birth of a baby into the family. You wait 9 months to meet this little angel and when the day finally arrives, there are no words to describe it. To hold a brand new baby only minutes old in your arms, and look into their eyes, it is the most amazing, reverent if you will, feeling in the world. All the discussions going on about what life will bring for this little one, what choices she will make, what happiness she will encounter, what heartbreak she will have to endure. It's overwhelming. But for the time being, you can hold her and protect her and keep her safe and love her with all of your heart. And the Love is instant, unconditional, timeless.

Mommy Gretchen welcoming her new baby girl to the world

Welcome Baby Reese, we are so happy to have you in our family!
Spring Break brought snow to Utah this year so we made the most of it by going on a little hike on the Dimple Dell horse trail. Soyer ALWAYS has to flash a ganster sign or do something random in every single picture. In this one, he specifically stopped me to take a pic. of him showing his stomache. {?}

Izzy partying

Nothing like a boy and his dog. {Oliver and Puddy}

Then we came home and they ran out to build a big snow fort and drink hot chocolate in it.
{If you're wondering where Sen is, she is hanging out with her friends..and the teen's begin.}
Dying Easter Eggs 2010. Hope Everyone had a very Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


So I come home the other day and go in my room and there are these pictures above our bed.."What are these pictures kids??" "Those are yours and dad's favorite things mom!"

yes that is a picture of peeps and whipping cream for Scott
And Reeses peanut butter cups and diet coke for mom.