Friday, January 27, 2012


I've been thinking about Erin.

I have a board on pinterest dedicated only to Erin. I see things that make me think of her and I have to pin them to my "Erin board."
Erin is the girl that will have your back no matter what, but when you fall down in front of a crowd and completely humiliate yourself, she is the first to point her finger at you while laughing uncontrollably. She would never throw you under the bus, but she would laugh at you for being put there.
So when I saw this pin, I naturally thought first of Erin.

Erin is quiet. She is peaceful. She is calm. And with that you would think she was little Miss. Innocent. But you see, that's not the case.. Erin isn't what I would call a demon..demon's are evil. Erin is not evil in the slightest. But she does have a monster in her. It's a smiley monster, but still a monster nonetheless. And if she were a monster instead of a human, she would look a little like this..
who me???...never...evil giggle sets in..
Then there are just those pins that remind me of her. That make no sense to anyone else. But she gets it.

Erin is probably the slowest person in the world. When you are supposed to be somewhere at noon. Erin thinks that means she should just leave her house at noon. She doesn't understand what the hurry is?? Why is everyone in such a hurry to hurry up and get somewhere and hurry up and get it going? Why hurry life? Which is a way..unless you are the one waiting..again..for Erin..
Erin has many fears in life. One of them being birds. She affectionately refers to them as 'rats with wings.' She is scared to death of them. And they know it..they love to taunt her. Tease her. They have it out for her. And it is....hilarious. One time while Erin was at Wheeler farm the ducks and geese conspired against her. They all ganged up on her and ran her down. She ran in circles trying to get rid of them but they were not about to let her out of their sight. They chased her 8 month pregnant belly with a toddler in one arm and a picnic bag in the other all the way to her car while she laugh/cried/screaming the whole way there.......yes. It is hysterical. I will give you a moment to visualize...
Erin also hates cats. She thinks they are evil. I love cats and have always had one up until about a year ago. But my cats have always known Erin was afraid. And like the birds, they like to taunt her. They like to show her this face. {see below} Now a cat lover would know that when a cat does this face, they're probably just showing off. Or pretending they're tough. Or wanting to play. But Erin thought this meant they wanted to eat her....I liked to make her think that was true.
Erin and I have had many sleepovers throughout the years. Either at hotel rooms on girls nights, or on vacations, or just for fun if our husbands are gone. One night there was a shadow in my window that Erin thought looked like an evil praying mantis. Anyway, we got ourselves so freaked out, we pulled the covers over our heads and giggled like little school girls with nervous tummies.. And the more we talked about it, the more we were convinced that this praying mantis was a murderer. This is just one occasion where I have been with Erin and she has convinced me that someone is out to kill us. However, we are always laughing so hard with our nervous thoughts that even if the praying mantis did come alive, and come at us with a sharp knife, He would probably stop and tilt his head in a confused motion at the sight of us jumping up and down on the bed laughing and screaming with tears in our eyes and pee running down Erin's leg.

Erin is a Harry Potter nerd. She knows she's a nerd. She likes to be a nerd. She dresses up for the Harry Potter premiers and paints a lightening bolt on her forehead. She looks totally legit. Anyone would think she was straight out of Hogwarts..

She loves to read. The first time I went on vacation with Erin, we went to Lake Powell. She brought a book with her. We never saw her.
So as you can see, Erin is extremely childlike. A free spirit if you will. There isn't many people that bring out your inner 13 year old when you are with them. I love this about her. When I saw this picture of the girl dancing in the rain, of course I thought of Erin. She loves to celebrate, enjoy, be a part of, embrace, love, encircle, and hold tight all that is good and fun and smart and joyful.
On a more serious note, one time in church the teacher asked us to put on one side of a piece of paper times or people who have shown us acts of service. To write down when someone has been kind to you or shown you charity. On the other side of the paper we were to write when we had shown others service or charity. As I sat there thinking about this..who had done acts of service for me,..Erin's name came to my mind time and time again. She has been there over and over and over for me. So of course this last sign Erin, is what I say to you.


  1. awww. you totally made me cry. and giggle. birds and cats...totally scary. and praying mantis shadows...terrifying.

    I love you Lys. Like a love song.


  2. um.... why didn't you dedicate a blog post about me?????????
