Tuesday, January 17, 2012


A lot can be said for 2011. When big things happen, hard things, its difficult to look back and remember the good times. We tend to focus on the bad. Maybe bc the bad things seem to cause such an impact they become harder to forget. The good things tend to be taken for granted.

CooCoo had her share of health problems this past year. At one point we even wondered if we were going to have to put her in a home. I got a taste of what that is like to care for a parent who can no longer care for themselves. My conclusion was, I'm not ready. She is too young and my children are too young. I'm not ready for that time in life. Thankfully we have been able to find solutions to her health problems and she is almost back to our same old CooCoo bird.

Grandpa went through radiation for some cancer this past year. And although that could have been much scarier, again we are so grateful that he is now cancer free and back to his same old self.

Gage had a brain tumor. I have nothing more to say about that except for we are grateful every single day for the outcome that we have been blessed with.
There have been financial struggles, health struggles, and normal everyday stress. Life has been happening.

On the flipside, we have welcomed two new lives into our family this year. Baby Pars and Baby Gracie. Both births came with a clean bill of health for mom and baby.
We have celebrated birthdays, holidays, played sports, gone on a vacation, had family stay with us, Cameron ran his first half marathon, we have been blessed with work/jobs, made new friends, become closer to old friends, we have partied, laughed, cried, hugged, prayed, and through it all, relied on each other. We have learned important life lessons, strengthened each other, learned a little more about what its like to be charitable, have empathy, reached new heights of self awareness, physical strength, mental strength, and love.

So through it all, I can only look back with one word in mind..Gratitude.

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