Monday, January 25, 2010


My baby is turning 6! I cant believe it. When I found out I was pregnant with him, to say I was upset is an understatement. I cried and yelled and wanted to punch Scott for putting me in this state for the 4th time. It took me a good two weeks to get over, but I couldnt imagine life without my beanie in it now.

He has a smile from the time he wakes up in the morning until he goes to bed. To him, Life is a party and anyone is invited. He is a ball of energy and I LOVE that about him. He is fun. He loves to play. He loves to wrestle and will do so with any willing participant. He is the first to try new things and is my little athlete. He loves to throw a football or a baseball around and is actually really good at it.

He is an entertainer. He loves to be in the spotlight. Bean is full of mischief. He loves to tease and tell little fibs to "trickted" us. He giggles all day long and we can always count on him to make us laugh. He is witty and silly, creative and imaginiative.

But Beanie has another side to him. He is the first to give you a big hug, tell you he loves you and climb on your lap to cuddle in close. He is the most affectionate of all of my kids. He has a BIG tender heart and when his feelings get hurt, they get really hurt. But like all kids, he is quick to forgive and love you again. We can always count on him to give us a big giant smile and a whole hearted hug. So what would we do without him? How could I have ever been mad at bringing this little stinker into the world to brighten all of our days. Happy Birthday baby!! I love you.


  1. Doesn't it make you wonder what the next one will be like? Probably even cuter and more snuggly and smart and talented. You've still got a few good birthing years in you!

  2. Shanakin, you are hilarious. How would I run a leg of your 100 miler if I was prego.? And I do realize I just wrote a post bragging about my kid and Im the only one who cares but every mommy is entitled to that arent they? At least a few times? The important thing is to not be one of those moms who takes that too far.

  3. I love your post and I love Beanie.

    And I cannot believe it's been six years.
