Thursday, January 14, 2010

Inspired by Dr. Laura {who bugs me} and New Years Resolutions.

Okay, so some things I have learned in life thus far...
1. There is something liberating about getting older. You tend to not care as much what people think of you and you can "let it go" a little easier.
2. It doesnt matter how old you become, you can still be in the best shape of your life. And that feels good!
3. You are what you eat.. literally. You put healthy foods into your body, you feel healthy. You eat junk food, you feel junky. Not just in body, but in mind. This is something you are told your whole life, but the older you get, the more it just clicks. {factoid: did you know salmon decreases depression by 50%?}
4. Eating the cheeseburgers and fries with a chocolate shake is YOUR choice. And YOURS alone. No one made you do it.
5. Being happy is also YOUR choice. Its not anyone elses responsibility. What if you were the last person on earth and there was no one else to blame...then who's fault would it be? Gods?? That is a contradiction in terms. God wants you to be happy. So CHOOSE to be happy.
6.Its okay to take time for yourself. This one is hard for all the mommys out there. But if you do it, you will be a better mommy, and doesnt everyone want the mommy to be happy??
7. Ive begun to appreciate the "older" people in my life. I have found I become less annoyed by them and more interested in what they have done.
8. You are an idiot if you dont listen to people with a better knowledge and understanding of what it is you are searching for. ie. you want to know more about business, listen to an experienced businessman/ want to know more about behaviors in children..listen to an expert. {which btw, isnt always someone with a degree, sometimes its a good grandma} Do Not think you can figure out life on your own. fyi.. you dont know everything. In fact, the older I get, the more I realize I know very little.
9. We are all in this together. And I mean In this life...together.. No one is exempt from that fact.. Next time you are annoyed with someone, think to yourself "we are in this together" I know this one is hard to do, but when I do it, I become more understanding.
10. And last but not least..your cool new shoes dont make you run faster, bananas do.


  1. Banana's do?
    I am my kids mom....... Isn't that what Dr. Laura says? I HATE her too. Although she does give good advice and doesn't sugar coat it in the least. Do you know she posed nude, ick what a creepy thought.

  2. Deep thoughts from Lysa. Love it. And all so true. You should have a show like Dr. Laura. Dr. Lysa...I like the sound of that.

  3. I really like your list. I'm inspired to eat bananas and stop hating people.

  4. Cam, the reason you like my list is bc it reminds you of you. A little bit of sarcasm, a little bit of insultating.
