Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Diamond in the rough

I had to share this story because I think its amazing. One of those things were the cosmos allign and something simple yet so big happens.

My cousin moved here from San Francisco recently and while her husband has found a job, things just simply havent been going their way. They've been feeling a little down and out and sad. Its hard to leave your home. And although they have family here, San Francisco is what they've known their whole lives. Leaving the chaos of city life that they know and love and coming to a little city called Cottonwood Heights Utah. Well, I think they have been a little depressed. Brooke has been coming to my house mon. wed and fri. every week to hang out while her little ones are in school by my house. See, she has a newborn and since its during his naptime, she has found that he gets a longer nap if she lets him do it here in between dropping and picking kids up. Plus she's a little lonely and we both have enjoyed the company.

Well the other day, she called me after she left my house and in tears exclaimed that her carot diamond had fallen out of her wedding ring and she didnt know if it was here or at her house or in the car, or down the drain for that matter. She asked me to keep my eyes open. I assured her I would. NOW, if any of you know me, You know I have a love for diamonds. Its more then just a crush, its something I have had since I was really young. In fact, I remember sitting behind all the women in church and checking out their diamond rings. I remember thinking that none of them were that great and why would they choose such a dinky little thing in such a dumb setting. And that when I get married, I will have an awesome diamond. Well, that was before I knew they cost thousands of dollars. SO when I knew that there was possibly a carot diamond laying around my house, I was going a little bit crazy. I got on my hands and knees at once. But no luck. Then I searched my garage and my driveway, this was really difficult bc of the snow and ice on the driveway. Not to mention the salt. So EVERYTHING looked like a diamond. Then I got the idea of vacuuming up everything and going through my vacuum with a fine tooth comb. I did this, it took at least an hour but again no luck. Well in the mean time it had snowed several times and Scott had snowplowed the driveway and shoveled it. Ive kept my eyes open wide for several days now and no diamond.

Well today when I got back from the store I noticed the snow had melted quite a bit and I thought I would check the driveway one more time, and guess what?! There it was!! Right on the edge of the driveway against the grass line was a shiny object, I picked it up and was shocked! There it was! I still cant believe it was there, after all that its gone through! Cars driving in and out several times, snowstorms, plowing, shoveling, kids playing...it just sat there in all its glory, unharmed, unbroken, undamaged, just perfect, as diamonds are. I immediately got on the phone to tell Brooke of my find and of course she fell to tears again. I called everyone in my family to tell them the news, I think I was just so shocked I had to share it! Gretchen cried out "Its a Christmas Miracle!!" And at that moment, it really felt as if it was.

Now I know this may sound like a dumb story to you, but it involves diamonds, and there is nothing dumb about that.


  1. Nice ending...... and glad you found the diamond!
    BTW- Dr. Quinn was in on Tuesday the 15th.

  2. It IS a Christmas miracle! I'm just glad you were the one who found it. I will now refer to you as the diamond hunter. And I think you have passed on your diamond obsession to my daughter. so it's genetic, apparently.

  3. Wow! Next to my chocolate covered marshmallow Santa I am eating right now, I think you're the best.

    Seriously, what are the odds?

  4. That IS really amazing. Isn't it strange how much importance they hold? If I lost mine, it is insured so I could replace it with one just like it, but it could never really replace the first one my first one. An engagement diamond is really priceless. That was no less that a miracle. I can't believe you found it, and OUTSIDE! Crazy.
