Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween Throw up

I titled this post Halloween throwup bc thats how I felt about this eventful week by the time it was done! We started this celebrating way back at the beginning of October when I told my kids that they have to have homemade costumes this year to save money. Well little did I know that would mean it would only be more work for me. Running around all over the valley to find the piece that goes with this costume and the piece that goes with that one. Making a tutu {which by the way Ive never done} Cutting and hemming old pants from the DI, multiple trips to the store I hate the most..Walmart, and painting faces for each little party and event, not once, not twice, not three times.. but SIX times. Yes, you heard me right, I had to dress up my little goblins SIX times this year. There was one event after another and although it was alot of fun, by the time the REAL Halloween came, even my kids were complaining.. "Do we really have to dress up to go trick or treating mom??" NO YOU DONT! Put on your coat and call it good. But of course, when they knew all their friends were coming over in costume, we all decided to bite the bullet just one more time. Below are a few of the events we went to..not all of them... but a few. a BEE. She decided to be a bee bc afterall, Bee's are scary.

Izabele as THING 1 {THING 2 is not at this event}

Oliver as the JOKER

And last but not least, Soyer as a ZOMBIE {inspired by none other than Michael Jacksons Thriller video}

Our first event of the week was a Halloween party thrown by Coo Coo the grandma. and in this picture is Jude as Zorro! {watch out}

Gage the scary skeleton

And Kudos to Jared for being the only adult that dressed up for the occasion. And baby Wren who is in costume as a darling new baby.

Adysen, who is not only Egyptian, but an Egyptian princess bc thats the only way her mom could get her to wear this.. only if she was a princess. What a gorgeous Princess dont you think?

And hysterical baby Estela as a peacock. {look at how little her legs are in this gynormous costume}

And another beautiful little girl as a butterfly?? {I think}

Vicious vampire Anders

And Lief, who didnt want his picture taken is also Zorro

We ate yummy soup and Chili

still eating.

We made pumpkin crafts

The lovely host, none other than the Coo Coo bird herself

And this is a picture of what the men in my family think their job is when a party is going on.. they get to just sit there... hmmm, whats wrong with this picture??

It takes much concentration to do this ya know

HaHa! I got a picture of you Lief!

The proud results

One of my sistas

My other sista

And then it was on to Musical Chairs

And then we decorated cookies

Although I left out the part where we ate a beautiful dessert made by my cousin Brooke and the kids trick or treated Grandma and Grandpas house over and over and over again... I think you get the just of it... overall, very successful party Coo Coo.

Then we move on... This is the next night, the annual Carving of the Pumpkins..

The Headless Horseman..

And the masterpieces.

Then the next night.. we had a trunk or treat.. if you dont know what that is.. well then you just have to be mormon. .I only took one picture of that night bc it made me laugh. This is a picture of my friend Rachel and her little black sheep.

And then we move on to the next morning where we go the kids annual Halloween parade at the Elementary school. This was an especially "special" one for me bc its the last and only time that all of my kids will be in this parade at the same time. For my oldest is in 6th grade and leaves the blissfull life of Elementary school behind next year and its enough to make me ..well.. cry.

Soyer the kindergartener
Oliver the 1st grader
Senekah the 6th grader

And Izabele my 5th grader. {with Thing 2}

And then we were off to another Halloween party thrown by none other than my other darling sista Heidi. It was alot of fun. Heidi went to alot of work and her house looked amazing.

Grandma Gen as a witch..

Anth as Austin Powers, Rick as a Skeleton and baby Tay as a Baby. Scott and I were Colonel Sanders and a chicken
Then there was Juno and Bleeker.. Bleeker is a little frightening in those shorts.

Little Avie as a penguin. She loved her feet, as did I

And a tired bunch.

Then we took a little break somewhere in there and raked some leaves..

Puddy wants to know why their raking in his territory..hes quite weary.

And then last but not least, we finally made it to the actual Halloween Day. We have a tradition with some friends that we get together and eat chili and then the kids all go out together.
One picture without Josie and one with Josie {the newborn baby} We knew that if shes anything like her mom, she would grow up and wonder why the crap she wasnt important enough to be in the picture so we thought we better take another one.

And could it be?? A full moon on Halloween night?? Too cool ANd then my own little annual tradition. While Scott takes the kids out to trick or treat, I get to sit back by myself and watch a scary movie and pass out candies to other trick or treaters. I LOVE this time to unwind from a long eventful week and I look forward to it every year. Featured above is a 1968 version of "Night of the Living Dead" not the scariest of them but still a classic.


  1. I thought you were going to talk about how much Halloween candy you have consumed with the name of your title. I was hoping to make myself feel better because misery loves company, but that wasn't the case. :)
    Glad you make Halloween fun for your kids! I promise they'll remember it! And yes, Gary's shorts we're creep-i-ly short.

  2. That was awesome! I get to vicariously enjoy Halloween, family-style, through you guys.
