Thursday, September 10, 2009

what would I do without you.

the other love of my life. you've always been there for me.


  1. Randy shares the same sentiment. He savors his morning, mid-morning, lunch time, afternoon, late-afternoon and evening drinks. Sometimes I think he drinks two at a time, just for fun. Do you think he'd wear the necklace if I bought him one? It would lay nicely in his chest hair.

  2. That's a cute necklace! Wait, I thought you were off the DC! You should read my post about what happened to me when I drank a Monster drink while on the treadmill because I was feeling a little tired that day. It was horrible to have that much caffeine at one time. I can't tolerate it. I guess you didn't see the message to you about my blog when I left FB. Sorry about that. Glad to be back in touch now! Sounds awesome that you were able to do two 1/2 marathon races so close. I hate halfs. They hurt.
    I stick to Chocolate Outrage. It's why I'm having such a hard time with Hammer Gel. Anything but chocolate kinda makes me gag. I'm trying to get used to it though because I can buy it in a big bottle and carry it in a little flask on race day. Much easier than the little tin foil packets of GU.

  3. dang it! i see you found your christmas present.
