Sunday, March 21, 2010

First day of Spring

The first day of Spring. Ahhhhhh, I love the feeling. Beautiful clear blue skies, sun shining, and the uncontrollable desire to be outside. I Love to open the windows and let the cool breeze blow through the house, I love to hear the kids laughter outside and once again know that long lazy day's of summer are just around the corner.

Spring brings sidewalk chalk artwork
It brings the sound of bouncing balls
It brings BIG smiles

It means the exhiliration of swinging high in the air, whether it be on a hammock or a swing.

It means creative games, and getting dirty.
Whatever you choose, Spring will surley bring you a sense of freedom..

It could just mean relaxing in the sunshine and taking it all in, But no matter what, It definitely means its time to just get out and play!

Bill Bill's Birthday party!

Izzy's birthday is March 30th but we had her party friday night. She wanted to have a fashion show party. But because of her fun nature, she did'nt want it to be a glamorous fashion show, she wanted it to be a silly one. And that it was!

Izzy with the homer Simpson wig on.
She had dreams of a runway to dance on and asked Scott to build her one. I LOVE that he can look at her and say "As you wish" and voila' there it is. Her very own, very homemade runway to dance on.

They got more and more silly as the songs went on.

Then we painted frames to put their glamour shots in.

Making her 11 year old wishes..May they all come true!

Group shot of some very creative outfits these girls put together, because afterall, Girls Do Just want to have fun!

Monday, March 8, 2010

sun, friends, and Southern Utah

I LOVE red sand and red cliffs. There is so much nostalgia there for me, I stand barefoot in the warm red sand and memories of Moab and Lake Powell come flooding back. It almost makes me cry. Now I have new memories of Southern Utah, our friends The Hamiltons, have a condo down there and every year for the last 4 yrs. we have gone with them and our other friends, The Haddocks, down to St. George. Every year I look so forward to this trip, just us couples, no kids, and just some good old R & R. {with the exception of Josie, who we allowed to come just this once, and thats only bc she is so cute}

The boys golfed one day and the girls got massages the next. Pretty good trade dont ya think?

Rebecca has this great talent of making sure she is not in any picture.

Jeff and Stacie...Jeff is very happy.

probably the only picture of Scott on the whole trip with his tooth in!! That party trick is now officially overdone.

needs no explanation.

Jeff and Ryan wanted to look as "special" as Scott

How do you say NO to that face?

Josie has on her eyebrow weights.

This is what thirty something's do when they're on vacation with no kids. {again with Rebecca hiding her face}

Dont let them fool you, they love catching up on People, US, and even Seventeen..

Gross mexican restaurant called Paula's. They forgot to add the flavor to their colored water mix of food. But the scenery in the background was really pretty!{and again, with Rebecca} Sorry Rebecca, but I had to do at least one where you were'nt hidden!